Dec 6, 2013

Ribbing Cast On

I just discovered this AWESOME technique for 2X2 or 1X1 ribbing for knitting. It's very stretchy and works great with hats and headbands! I can't wait to try this on cuffs and neckbands!

Aug 15, 2013

My name is Melissa and I am a Frogging-aholic...

I knit or crochet just about everyday, and about every other day I am frogging one project to start another one.

So what exactly is frogging? That's a question I wondered the first time I saw this term. has the best explanation: In the knitting world, however, frogs say "rip it, rip it." And that's the reason knitters use the term "frogging" as they merrily unravel their hours worth of knitting.

That's right people, I seem to be constantly ripping one project or another apart to start something else. You may be wondering if the reason is maybe I'm not very good at knitting, or maybe I'm just not that great at paying attention to patterns. Well neither of those are correct. I do this because the design, or the colors, or the pattern just feel wrong. I mean I'm going along, no problems, nice and smooth and then I look at what I am doing and think, "You know, this would look better in gray instead of black.", "I should be crocheting this, not knitting it.", "OMG, this pattern is so B O R I N G!!!", "I'm not sure what it is but this just isn't going it for me."

So rip-it, rip-it, rip-it I go.

Last night I realized that I had a problem when I looked at the back of the striped baby blanket I was knitting and I didn't like the look on the backside, so I frogged it and started a crochet pattern using the same colors.

Not sure what the point of this post is, other than just admitting out loud that I'm addicted to frogging, but thanks for stopping by!!!